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  • Parent Governors

    A number of our Governors have children at Green Dragon and are happy to chat with you informally about any aspect of their role. Please speak to them on the playground as they are collecting or dropping off their children.

  • Specific Queries

    If you would like to speak to a specific governor about an issue related to their role please send a note via the office with a brief explanation of your query. A governor will contact you to arrange a time to meet.

  • Chair of Governors

    Irene Bowles, our Chair of Governors, is in school regularly and is happy to meet parents who are interested in finding out about the Governing Body. Please contact the office, leaving a contact number & a summary letter of what you would like to know more about, Mrs. Irene Bowles will arrange a convenient time for you to have a telephone conversation or to meet.

    Governors are only able to discuss issues directly relating to the work of the Governing Board. They will initially refer you to school about any issues or concerns that are not within their area. Please ensure you have discussed any day to day issues initially with your child's class teacher, then the Deputy headteacher and finally the Headteacher.

  • Vacancies
    Governing Board Constitution
    • ​There are 15 positions , 10 are filled and there are 5 vacancies.
    • Co-opted Governors - there are 10 posts, 3 vacant posts


    • 1 post, 1 post is filled  - zero posts vacant

    Local Authority Governors

    • 1  post, 1 post is filled, 4-year term - zero posts vacant

    Parent Governors

    • 2 posts, 1 posts is filled, 4-year term  - 1 post vacant

    Staff Governors

    • 1 post, zero posts are filled, 4-year term  - 1 post vacant
  • governors and Terms of oFFIce

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