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**Centaur 1 PE is on Friday**Centaur 2 PE is on Thursday**Centaur 1 PE is on Friday**Centaur 2 PE is on Thursday**Centaur 1 PE is on Friday**Centaur 2 PE is on Thursday**

Links to online learning

How to Contact The Nursery Team

Email us on the address below : 


Teachers will respond between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00pm.

How to Contact The Reception Team

Email us on the address below : 


Teachers will respond between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00pm. 


  • Literacy
  • Reading

    Please read with your child for 10 minutes every evening.

    Encourage them to point to each letter and say its sound, and then to blend them together to read the whole word. Please remember to leave these books in your child’s book bag.

    Children should now know the following GPCs and tricky words.

    Understanding of the world

    Explore the weather with your child at home looking at the days of the week. Perhaps you could look in newspapers or on the weather forecast on TV. Here is an example from a newspaper to talk about:


    Talk about your family. Look at family photos.

    -Who is in your family?

    -What countries do they come from?

    -What special things do you and your family like to do together?

    -Do you belong to a religion or follow any particular routines?

    Read with your child daily!

    Talk about strategies you use to calm down when you’re feeling upset or angry and help your child to practise some techniques.

    • Count to 10 and breathe deeply.
    • Think about some things that make you happy.
    • Focus on the things that you can hear, smell, see and touch.

    Tapestry is a great tool for accessing information about your child’s time in school and enjoy seeing them progress in Reception. If you need any support with Tapestry do let us know.

  • More information ...

    For more information, please email your class teacher. centaur@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

  • Woodland Area

    Each day your child will have access to outdoor learning so we encourage you to send in a pair of wellington boots that can be kept in school.

  • Lunches & Snack

    Do remember to book your child’s lunch via parent pay. We offer the children a daily snack - fruit and sandwiches. The children also have the oppourtunity to have free milk which can booked using the cool milk website. If you do not want your child to have milk please remember to remove them from the list. Children also have their own water bottle in school.


Nursery Welcome Video - please click on image below to view

Nursery Welcome Video

Recpeion Welcome Video - please click on image below to view

Reception Welcome Video
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