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**Year 6 PE day is Monday. Wyvern One will continue to swim on Tuesdays, Wyvern Two will continue to swim on Fridays**Parents into Class - Wednesday 25th September at 8.45am**Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October is Open Evening**

Year 6: Spring 1 IPC Project - World War Two

What’s the big picture?

What was World War Two? When and why did it begin, and end? What was life like for children living in Britain in World War Two?

Children will ask and and find the answers to these, and many other questions connected to World War Two.

  • What will we be learning?


    We will be able to:

    • explore light – reflection, shadows
    • explore electricity – lamps, buzzers, voltage, brightness and loudness and symbols to represent these items in a circuit (link to DT)
    • explore pattern seeking, comparative (and fair) testing while learning more about scientific enquiry


    We will be able to:

    • place events on a timeline from the signing of the Treaty of Versailles to the end of the war
    • ask questions about propaganda posters, and compare different ones
    • discuss the reliability of these posters
    • make comparisons between ancient Rome and Nazi Germany – leadership, politics and power
    • explain the cause and effect of the Blitz onf Britain, and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on Europe

    We will know:

    • about key figures of World War Two


    We will be able to:

    • draw our own sketch map of the world

    We will be know:

    • how the location of countries in the world has impacted the history of our world


    We will be able to:

    • sketch in the style of Henry Moore’s sketches from World War Two
  • Knowledge Organiser

    We use a knowledge organiser for every project in every year group. It is a helpful way for children and families to see the key knowledge that children will learn. This key knowledge helps the children ask more questions and then find out more information.

    It would be helpful to talk with your child about this knowledge organiser. As the project develops, they will be able to share more knowledge. Thank you!

  • Maths

    Some areas we will be learning include:

    • solving problems involving ratio and proportion – scale problsm, percentages, fractions, recipes
    • solving problems involving algebra – using simple formulae to explore missing number problems
  • English

    Our main book this half term will be When The Sky Falls.

    Some areas of grammar and punctuation we’ll be learning include:

    • identifying and writing multi-clause sentences
    • identifying and writing compound sentences with semi-colons
    • identifying and writing non-standard English for direct speech
    • identifying and using colons to introduce lists
  • Year 6 Notes & Dates

    PE Kits:

    School PE uniform is black shorts (or tracksuit bottoms) with a white t-shirt and trainers. All children will come to school wearing PE kit on their PE days.

    Year 6 PE days are Monday and Wednesday– swimming has finished now in Year 6.

    Year 6 Home Learning

    • Daily reading – children will bring books home
    • TTRockstars website – children will bring logins home
    • Tasks given out, as and when, based on classroom learning
    • Half-termly project activities sent out via email or a paper copy


    Friday 24th January: School Disco

    3.15-4.20 Year 1, 2, 3 and 4.30-5.45 Year 4, 5, 6

    Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th January: National Archives

    more information will be sent nearer the time but we need lots of parent/carer helpers, please!

    Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th March: Open Evenings for all children– more information will be sent to you nearer the time.

    Can you help?!

    If you have any information (stories, photos, experiences, artefacts etc) from our here or there regions, or this project, then please contact your class teacher. Thank you!

    Please keep in touch – we check these emails everyday before we start teaching:  wyvern@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk  

  • How to Contact The Year 6 Team

    There are two main ways to talk with your child’s teacher/team.

    You can talk at the start or end of the day – remember that we have more time at the end of the day or email us on the address below : wyvern@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

    Teachers will respond between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00pm. 

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