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School Clubs Information

Club registration will be fully opened by 10am on Monday 6th January 2025 for parents to sign their child/children up for clubs in the spring term. Please start checking for availability from 8am as it takes 2 hours to open all clubs online.


Clubs Attendance:  If your child is in school for the day but is not attending the after-school club that they are booked into please let the office know, email admin@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk or call the school number (020 8568 3971).  For safeguarding reasons, we must know if children are not attending clubs. 

Clubs finish at 4.30  Parents collect their children from the school office.  If your child in Yr 5 or 6 is going home alone then you must have given permission for this at the point of booking.

If you have any feedback or comments about clubs please let us know at admin@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

Children absent from clubs:  If your child is in school, but is not going to attend their usual club it is very important that you let the office know. 

Spring clubs 2025
  • Behaviour before Clubs

    Before clubs start all the children go to the Junior Hall where they should eat their snack and get changed (if necessary). Children know that they must WALK into the hall QUIETLY and then SIT and eat their snack and wait for their register to be called.

    Children who do not follow these health and safety rules will be served with a yellow card which is the first warning. If a second warning is needed within the same 1/2 term the child will be asked to miss club the following week. We really do not want this to happen so please remind your child about behaving sensibly and safely. Any snack not eaten by 3.30 will need to be packed up and taken home. Clubs start promptly at 3.30. Thank you for your support. 

    support their learning.

    Club kits and water bottles:  if your child attends an after school sports/dance club they must bring a separate kit to change into and a bottle of water from home.  The children cannot return to their classrooms after the club and should not be wearing their PE kits home or bringing their school water bottles home.  Thank you

  • Clothing & Footwear

    Sports clubs usually run outdoors, in all weathers unless it is unsafe to do so.

    Children will need appropriate footwear such as trainers for sports clubs as well as clothes for doing sports outdoors.

    Children who attend clubs:  If your child attends a sports club (including Street Dance) they must have a change of clothes with them for this club.  Children must not use their PE kits.  This is because PE kits must stay in school all the time and the children wear their club clothes home with them.  If we build in time to get re-dressed in uniform after clubs then the children get less activity time.  Children must have suitable shoes to wear for sports.  Several children have been trying to take part in clubs in their school shoes and this is not safe. 

  • Snacks

    Club snacks:  As a school, one of our aims is to ensure that children develop healthy lifestyles, this includes healthy eating habits.  Our rules for club snacks are a bottle of water or a carton of pure fruit juice and a piece of fruit or a cereal bar.    From Monday, club supervisors will not allow children to eat snacks unless they follow our healthy eating rules. 

    Please do not bring kit or snacks to the office during the day unless it is absolutely necessary.  Children should bring their things with them in the mornings.  Thank you.

    Children may bring a snack for after school clubs such as:

    • fruit juice
    • fruit
    • cereal bars
    • rice crackers

    Fizzy drinks, chocolate bars and packets of biscuits are not allowed. Children should not bring crisps or larger amounts of food. 
    Start and end of clubs:  Children are registered for clubs in the school hall.  In KS 2 children walk to the hall by themselves, in KS 1 children are taken by a member of staff.  In the hall, children eat their small snack, get changed if necessary and wait to be collected by the leader of their club.

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