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You are here: CURRICULUM  HOMEPAGE  > Religious Education (R.E)   

Parents have a right to request that their child be excused from attending some or all RE lessons and are not obliged to state their reasons for seeking such withdrawal. However, if teachers receive such a request, they will suggest that an appointment be made with the Head teacher to discuss the matter. In this way the school can discuss the practical implications of withdrawal and parents are able to raise any specific topics or issues about which they object to their child being taught, so as to clarify whether occasional or regular withdrawal from lessons is more appropriate. Pupils who are withdrawn from these lessons are accommodated in a neighbouring class, as directed by the Head Teacher.

Religious education contributes dynamically to children and young people's education in schools by provoking challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what means to be human. Our world is enriched by a wide and profound diversity of cultures and beliefs. We, as human beings are strengthened and empowered by learning from each other. Engaging and stimulating religious education helps to nurture informed and resilient responses to misunderstanding, stereotyping and division. It offers a place of integrity and security within which difficult or 'risky' questions can be tackled within a safe, but challenging context.

We recognise the importance of children’ all-round personal development and the leading role that RE plays in contributing to the spiritual, moral social and cultural elements in particular. 

We welcome and celebrate diversity and are sensitive to the home background of each child. 

Aims of Religious Education 

At Green Dragon, we aim to:

  • enable each child to explore our shared human experience and the questions of meaning and purpose which arise from our experiences.
  • develop children’s knowledge and understanding of religion through an exploration of the beliefs and practices of the principal world faiths.
  • affirm each child in her/his own family tradition, religious or non-faith, and through that to promote awareness, respect and sensitivity for the traditions of other people provide opportunities for the cultivation of children’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 
  • support children in reflecting and thinking about fundamental human beliefs and values so that they develop a personal framework by which they can live.

We aim for our Year 2 - 6 children to visit a place of worship during the academic year.

  • Year 2: Mandir - Hindu place of worship
  • Year 3: Church - Christian place of worship
  • Year 4: Mosque - Muslim place of worship
  • Year 5: Gurwara - Sikh place of worship
  • Year 6: Synagogue - Jewish place of worship
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