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**Check Out the New menu**Please remember to book your child/s lunch choices via ParentPay**

Free meal for all children 

This exciting initiative led by the Mayor of London aims to ensure every child in the city has access to a free meal. As we all know, nutrition plays a crucial role in a child's development, both physically and mentally. Please ensure you book your meal online and speak to the office if you have any technical issues. If you are eligible for FSM then please still apply as it brings additional, essential funds to the school and provides you with a discount on clubs and HAF vouchers.
The "Every Child Deserves a Free Meal" initiative is a programme which aims to provide free meals to all children attending state-funded schools in London, regardless of their background or financial circumstances. By doing so, the Mayor hopes to tackle food poverty and ensure that no child goes hungry. The benefits of this are huge, as a well-fed child is more likely to concentrate and perform better at school. Please make sure you take up this opportunity for your child by booking the meal on ParentPay.

If you do choose to send your child in with a packed lunch then please make sure they are healthy with a range of food choices.

We still have a number of families that have not booked their lunches, please make sure these are prebooked on Parent Pay. If you have an issue with this then please speak to the school office or email them on admin@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

Menu 3 - Week beginning Monday 21st October 2024

school lunches at green dragon

Packed lunches: If your child chooses to bring a packed lunch it must follow our packed lunch rules.  Children can only bring one treat item e.g. if they bring crisps then they should not also have a biscuit or a cereal bar.  Children must not bring jam or chocolate spread sandwiches and are expected to have at least one portion of fruit or vegetables.   Please ask at the office for a copy of our healthy packed lunch guideline.

  • Free School Meals

    Following an announcement by the Mayor of London, all primary school children who attend state schools in London will receive Free School Meals for the full academic year..

    Your child in primary school will receive their free school meals automatically, and you do not need to apply.

    However, your child may also be eligible for extra funding for their school from the Government, worth £1,300 per year. This is extra money to spend on enrichment activities, teacher development, and targeted support for the children that need it most. This may also entitle you to other benefits like food vouchers during the holidays.

    Additionally, if you are in receipt of benefit related free school meals your child would be eligible for Holiday activities (HAF) this a great way for your child to have fun during the school holidays. Eligible children will have the opportunity to make new friends, take part in a variety of exciting activities, and they will have a healthy meal each day. Each activity session last for a minimum of four hours a day and operates in the following school holidays.

    • Easter
    • Summer
    • Winter

    Please click here for further information - thank you.

  • Important Information for ALL Parents re School Dinners

    Booking meals

    School dinners need to be booked and chosen by you - parents/carers – on the ParentPay website. 

    What do I need to do?

    You will need to login to the ParentPay website and make the choices for your child's lunch. The meals can be booked well in advance and can be booked up until midnight the day before. All you need to do is book which days your child will eat school dinner, choose the option, the press ‘Save’. You can book a day, a week, a month or a term.

    Do I have to login and book every day?

    No - you can log in and book a day, a week, a month or a term.

    What happens if I don’t do it?

    If you forget to book the school dinners, talk to the school office.

    My child only eats lunch occasionally, what do I do?

    You still need to book. You need to log in to ParentPay to book which days your child will eat school dinner. Choose the option, then press ‘Save’. You can book a day, a week, a month or a term.

  • Dietary requirements / food allergeis

    Please note that from now on the wraps on the menu will contain mayonnaise.  If your child has a potential allergy to any ingredients in mayonnaise please see  the school office.

    Our School menus are prepared by a fabulous team of cooks and on a daily basis within our kitchens.

    The menu fully complies with the latest school food regulations. Fresh and local produce is always used when available.

    Each day a set meal consists of one item from each group (main course, vegetables, salad & desert).  Fresh yoghurt, fresh fruit, salad bar & wholemeal bread are also availalbe. The meal aims to provide the balance of nutrients required.

    As a diverse school we try to reflect the cultural and religious needs of our school population, and therefore have a Halal (H) choice. 

    Dishes marked 'V'  are suitable for vegetarians. 

  • packed Lunches

    We are sure that your child will have told you about the Fun, Food and Fitness workshop that they went to this week led by Chartwell’s chief nutritionist.  The children have learned a lot about how food gives them energy and helps them to concentrate as well as helping them to grow and develop strong bodies and teeth.  All our school lunches follow the Government’s nutritional standards and we want to make sure that packed lunches follow the same rules so that every child at Green Dragon is given the best possible opportunity to grow, thrive and develop as healthily as possible.  Every child who has a packed lunch will bring home a leaflet about the new rules on Monday.  If you do not receive a copy please look on our website or ask at the office.  The basic outline of the new rules means that children should bring a balanced meal to school with a healthy savoury option (no jam or chocolate spread sandwiches), fruit and vegetables, some protein and the maximum of one treat item a day so if your child brings crisps they shouldn’t also bring biscuits.  All drinks must be fruit juice or water.

    Click on the following icons to view some great ideas, recipes and advice on packing your child a healthy and nutritious lunch.


  • Parent Pay

    Log in to: 

    • ParentPay Home Page
    •  Home
    •  View/Edit profile
    •  Alert Settings

    Remember to press SAVE at the very bottom of the page to save your altered settings. 

    Please click here to be directed to the Parent Pay webpage where you can activate your account and view other useful information/guidance - thank you.

  • Taylor Shaw Catering Company

    Taylor Shaw’s menus are designed to be child friendly, as well as compliant with the Government’s school food standards. We use high quality, healthy and nutritious ingredients, prepared fresh on site, on the day of consumption, by suitably trained and child focused employees.

    At the heart of our service lies a menu that contains the correct balance of food and nutrients across the week, in order to encourage children to learn, love food, play and grow.

    Medical Diets and Allergies

    If your child has a specific dietary need for a medical reason, we will work with you to create a menu to meet the needs of your child. We follow a Medical Diet Procedure to ensure your child can safely eat with us. If you would like your child to have a school meal, we would need to see a medical certificate from your child’s consultant. We can then proceed with creating a suitable menu. Please ask your school for the Medical Diet Request form.

    Once you have completed it please return to the school along with the Medical evidence, please ensure all details are correct and it has been signed. This will then be passed onto the Taylor Shaw team who will then create a safe menu for your child and implement as soon as possible.


    If you would like to comment on our meals or provide feedback on our service, please email jody.munn@taylorshaw.com

    Click here to be directed to an e-form to apply for free school meals.

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