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  • PE & Sports AT Green Dragon

    At Green Dragon, we believe that having specialist teachers provides the children the opportunity to learn and develop their PE skills under the guidance of experts. Our specialist teachers bring strong subject knowledge and a high level of enthusiasm for PE as well as a desire to see the children be successful. This focus allows the children a greater chance to realise their own potential as well as raises the standard of learning in PE across the school. The impact of this is shown in our childrens’ positive attitudes towards sports, fitness and their understanding of how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Our high-quality Physical Education and School Sport (PESS) curriculum has two main aims:

    • to inspire all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities.  
    • to encourage all children to follow a healthy, active lifestyle.

    This will all be underpinned by the values of determination, honesty, passion, respect self-belief and teamwork.

    All children have the opportunity to participate in a broad range of physical activities, extending agility, balance and co-ordination, over sustained periods of time, for two hours within curriculum time, daily physical activity at lunch, play times and after-school clubs.  They take part in competitive games within the lesson and the annual Sports Days as well as tournaments against other schools.  

    In Key Stage 1, children focus on developing fundamental movement skills, becoming increasingly competent and confident.  Basic movements of running, jumping, throwing and catching skills are practised then applied in simple team games, and dances with simple movement patterns are performed.

    In Key Stage 2, children continue to develop running, jumping, throwing and catching skills, applying them in isolation and linking them in combinations.  They take part in athletic activities, competitive invasion, striking and fielding, and net games, perform gymnastics and dances with a range of movement patterns and in outdoor and adventurous challenges. 

  • 'Get Set 4 PE'

    Lesson plans have been written with careful consideration of the aims of the National Curriculum, to ensure that children are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their physical movement skills as well as achieving whole child objectives.

    Each lesson has progressive activities that are designed to inspire and engage children. They have key success criteria which provide clear information to help the children develop their skill level and teaching points appear throughout. Differentiation tasks provide activities with simple changes to appropriately challenge all of the children. 

  • Extra-Curricular Clubs

    There are various sporting clubs running at Green Dragon. The clubs range from specific targeted groups to general clubs. If there are no clubs running that your child is interested in please let us know and we will look into whether we can accommodate such a club in the future.

    Benefits of Sports clubs:

    Healthy bodies, healthy minds

    Through the development of healthy physical activity habits, children are supporting healthy bodies and are likely to show improved performance in school.

    Another great advantage of sports clubs, which generally involves commitment, is that if young people are physically active from an early age, they are more likely to be so in early adulthood.

    Social skills

    Structured activitiessuch as organised sports, are linked to lower levels of anti-social behaviour in children.

    Sports clubs can help them develop important social skills such as:

    • Good citizenship
    • Positive peer relations
    • Respect for the local community and authority

    They can learn these skills by interacting not only with other children but also with adults such as coaches and sports officials. 


    Studies have shown that those who engage in sport and physical activity are more confident.

    This is particularly important in child development.

    Sports clubs allow children to build self-esteem as they learn to trust in their own abilities, receive encouragement and praise from coaches and parents, and learn to accept constructive criticism. 

    Skill building.

    Sports clubs provide an opportunity for children to learn skills that will help them in school, future careers and personal relationships.

    Through engagement in sport, they learn:

    • Leadership
    • Teamwork
    • Problem- solving
    • Responsibility
    • Self-discipline
    • A sense of initiative

    Sometimes, it truly is incredible to take a measure of all benefits of sports clubs and physical activity!

    We also have KS2 lunchtime sports which is run by coaches from Sports Impact. Each class has the opportunity to engage in a different sport and activities during lunch time led by qualified and enthusiastic coaches.

  • Swimming

    At Green Dragon, children have swimming lessons in Year 5 and 6 as both year groups swim throughout the year. 

    Here they will learn to:

    • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
    • use a range of strokes effectively
    • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
  • 2023-2024


  • Sports Premium

    PE has benefited greatly from School Sports Pupil Premium funding. We have used the funding to employ specialist coaches to enrich our PE provision, and enable our teachers to receive training and support.

To look at our skills progression in PE please look at our main curriculum maps

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