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Remote Education provision

At Green Dragon primary school we offer  high quality remote education provision . 

Details of this provision are set out in the below policy . Details of weekly timetables can be found in the home learning curriculum letters. 

At Green dragon we offer a blended approach combining remote education through a digital platform , alongside live zoom meetings combined with paper based activities. 

Online learning platform - Keystage 1 and Keystage 2 online learning environment

DB Primary is a safe, intuitive and easy-to-navigate learning platform designed to engage and educate the next generation of learners. Here at Green Dragon, we will be able to use DB primary to extend our opportunities for learning beyond the physical boundaries of the school.

This will include the capability for teachers to set homework, provide information and advice on secure class pages, which children will be able to access and work on, from home.

  • What is DB Primary?
    • DB Primary is a primary learning cloud - A private, safe, intuitive and friendly online learning area that is designed to engage and educate the next generation of learners.
    • Digital Literacy & Online safety - DB Primary's monitored online space helps children to safely become digitally literate with the use of blogs, forums, email and shared class pages.
    • Creative Tools - DB Primary's paint, draw, video and document tools allow children to express themselves in a variety of forms.
    • Primary Specific - Key stage specific features and themes provide a progressive and tailored experience for children.
    • Anytime Learning - DB Primary is open 24 hours. Extend learning beyond the classroom with online homework and independent access to curriculum resources.
    • School Communication - Enhances communication within our school with shared calendars.
    • DB Primary is all web-based. This means you can access DB Primary anywhere with just a web browser and internet connection - There is nothing else you need to install on your computer!
    • Each member of your school requires a username and password to enter the primary learning cloud.
  • Practical benefits for pupils

    DB Primary will enable pupils to:

    • Access learning materials outside lesson time and from any location
    • Store work and notes online for use in homework and revision
    • Work at their own pace and with a wider choice of learning styles
    • Improve their ICT skills and online management
    • Participate in live discussions and forums with other students and teachers
  • Practical benefits for parents & carers

    DB Primary will enable parents and carers to:

    • Support children with learning which takes place outside school
    • Access their child's personal home page to keep track of their work and the curriculum
    • Engage with wider school issues through online communication tools
    • Become active partners with the school
  • How to log into DB Primary

    You can find our school’s DB Primary login page on the school website (bottom right hand corner login button), or via this address:


  • Who to contact if you need help or support

    If your child forgets their login details or you need support, please contact a member of their class using their year group email:

    Year 1 - hydra@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk       

    Year 2 - sphinx@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

    Year 3 - unicorn@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

    Year 4 - griffon@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

    Year 5 - phoenix@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

    Year 6 - wyvern@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

  • Guidelines for children

    Please reinforce these Children's Guidelines with your child at home. 

    Anything your child puts onto DB Primary can be seen by members of staff.

    • Sensible behaviour when using emails / blogs or forums.
    • Make sure that any pictures  uploaded (profile picture, or pictures in posts) are suitable for a school audience.
    • Keep personal details, password safe.
    • Write in full sentences.
    • Sensibly express  opinions in forums.
    • Be aware and careful when sharing links to sites when posting them to blogs / forums.
  • Whistle alerts: Reporting inappropriate content

    Inappropriate content can be reported to staff at the school by clicking on the whistle icon.  A pop-up will appear to allow an explanation to be entered. The alert is sent to delegated DB Primary ‘whistle monitors’ at the schools.



    The Whistle Monitor ensures that children are able to use DB Primary in a safe and secure way.

  • Internet safety websites

    It is important for our pupils to use the Internet safely at school and at home. Please spend some time looking at these online safety websites:

    Think you know




    BBC Stay Safe Articles and Links


DB Primary Parent Help/Information

If you do not have a computer with internet access, please let your child’s teacher know. Some activities added to DB Primary can be made available as a paper copy.

Please note that DB Primary does not filter the internet. You need to have your own internet firewall and parental controls set up.

Please click on the image below to view our DB Online Video for Parents.

Online learning platform - Early Years

  • What is Tapestry ?

    Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of a child’s experiences during their time with us. This system allows us to work with parents and carers to share information and record the children’s play and learning in and outside of the classroom.

    We really hope that our parents enjoy using Tapestry and that it helps keep them feeling informed about their child’s learning.  If parents have any questions or problems using Tapestry then they can let Miss Malik our EYFS Lead know.

  • What does it provide ?

    Tapestry provides each individual child with their own Learning Journal held online. Parents and carers are given their own log-in using their email and password (which is pre-set by us but can be changed by you to make it more secure). All our staff are given a secure log-in. They can then upload observations, photos or videos; recording children’s achievements and assessing their learning in reference to the EYFS curriculum.

    Parents can change their settings so that an email is then automatically generated informing them when an observation has been added so they can have a look and add any comments of their own.

  • How do I login to tapestry ?
  • Want to find out more?
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