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GENERAL UNIFORM INFORMATION - We do not sell uniform at the school

It is every parents/carer’s responsibility to make sure that their child is wearing the correct Green Dragon uniform every day. 

Please make sure that your child has the correct school uniform every day.

  • You can purchase uniform from any shop as long as they are our school colours, so we expect to see every child wearing a green jumper.
  • Next time you buy a new jumper, please make sure it is green - thank you.

Uniform with our school logo is ONLY available to purchase online!

  • Uniform must be:

    All items of school uniform, including coats, must be clearly marked with the child’s name.

    • Plain white shirt or polo shirt
    • Grey or black pinafore dress or knee-length skirt
    • Grey or black trousers (jeans style are not permitted)
    • Green cardigan or jumper (hooded jumpers or hooded cardigans are not part of indoor school uniform)
    • Plain black shoes or trainers (platform shoes or high heels are not permitted)
    • Plain white, grey or black tights
    • Hair accessories must be green, black or white, and small
    • Hijabs must be plain green, black or white

    School uniform does not include boots. Boots and wellington boots can be worn to school during bad weather, however, the child is expected to change into appropriate school shoes ready to start their lessons on time.  Names in all boots and shoes, please.  

  • Footwear
    • All children must wear plain black shoes or plain black trainers. These items of footwear must not contain white or coloured stripes, white or coloured logos of any kind or coloured or shiny fastenings.
    • The school wants all children to grow into healthy adults. We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes with platform soles or high heels in school, so we do not allow this. Children must not wear open toe sandals or backless shoes.
  • The PE uniform is:

    Children wear their PE kits to school on their PE days.

    • plimsolls or trainers,
    • black shorts or leggings or tracksuit bottoms,
    • plain white T-shirt.

    All T-shirts must cover the shoulders with no vest style tops permitted.

    • Children will need suitable clothing for outdoor PE sessions e.g. trainers, tracksuit bottoms.
    • Logos (other than the Green Dragon Primary School logo) are not permitted on any PE clothing item.
    • For safety, jewellery is not allowed. The exception being newly pierced ears with stud earrings (which must be covered by micro-pore tape) and any items dictated by faith
  • Swimming Kit
    • For swimming, a one-piece swimming costume or trunks must be worn. For religious reasons, some     children may wear plain black full body costumes.
    • All children must have their own towel. Swimming goggles and a swimming hat can be worn. If a   child has a verruca, then a verruca sock should be worn.

     Names in all kits please.

  • Jewellery and Make-up
    • On health and safety grounds, children are not allowed to wear earrings other than stud earrings in cases
    • where they have recently been pierced. Jewellery which does not follow the policy will be taken from the child
    • and returned only to their parent/guardian.
    • It is the parent’s responsibility to cover stud earrings by micro-pore tape at all times. Staff will do this too if necessary. For safety reasons all earrings must be removed or covered using micro-pore tape for PE.
    • Children may not wear any make-up or nail varnish to school. The school reserves the right to remove any make-up or nail varnish following a phone call to the parents.
    • Pupils may not wear any mobile technology such as smart watches.
  • Haircuts
    • The school does not permit children to have extreme haircuts that could distract other children. Hair must be of a natural colour. Haircuts with extreme differences in length on different parts of the head (i.e. shaved back and sides with long hair on the top of the head) are not permitted.
    • All children with hair long enough to be put up must have it tied back at all times. Any necessary hair accessories worn by children must be black, white or green.

    Names in everything please:    Please spend some time over half term checking the names in your child’s clothes.  Please re-write them if they have faded or smudged in the wash.  Please label trousers/skirts, gloves, hats, coats, t-shirts – anything your child could possibly take off in school.  Without names we cannot return the piles of lost property that we find in school every day!  Please also return to school any items that you discover your child has accidentally worn home that does not belong to them. 

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