Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children can attend Morning Sports and Breakfast Club from 8am every morning in the Key Stage 2 playground.
Year 4: Spring 1 2025 IPC Project - Temples, Tombs and Treasures
What’s the big picture?
The people who helped create the first great civilisations were not unlike you and me. Today we can learn a lot about these people and their way of life through the things they left behind- from everyday objects to magnificent and rare treasures.
We will be learning about one of the first ancient civilisations, where they settled in the world and why they chose that particular place. We will look at how this civilisation grew rapidly and lasted for thousands of years. We will explore what their family life was like, how they communicated their life, their religion, traditions and beliefs, who ruled these civilisations, their tombs- how they were built, why they were built and the process of making a mummy! We will investigate the treasures and paintings left behind in these tombs and how this can tell us about life in the past.
What was it like to live in ancient Egypt ? Would you like a time machine to go back and visit the past?