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Aims AND Values

  • Our School Aims


    • For all children to achieve their maximum potential enabling each child to have a high self-esteem.
    • To create a stimulating and safe environment which promotes excellence and enjoyment through learning.
    • To provide a balanced, flexible curriculum giving children a secure knowledge of key skills.
    • To build on each child’s experience and their knowledge of the world through delivery of the curriculum and to prepare them for citizens of the future.
    • To be recognised as a friendly, open learning community where opinions of others are valued and acted upon.
    • To encourage our children to become independent thinkers and learners in a rich learning environment and show that achievement and creativity can bring self-improvement.
    • To promote good behaviour through a school culture based on respect for individuals and groups in an environment, where people are treated with equality, whether in terms of ability, gender, race, religion or culture.
    • To build on the partnership between parents and school, encouraging shared involvement with their child’s education, personal development and acknowledging their crucial role in their child’s development.
    • To continue to develop the role of the school within the local and wider community, establishing and maintaining links that are beneficial to all involved.
  • Our School Values

    We aim to develop and support pupils and each other so everyone is: 

    •  Motivated to do their best and reach their full potential 
    • Self-aware and confident, appreciating their own strengths and areas of development 
    • Polite, respectful, sensitive and compassionate to the needs of others 
    •  Enthusiastic and inspired to learn 
    •  Resilient and resourceful, able to persevere when tasks are difficult and are determined to succeed 
    •  Able to assess and take risks, working creatively and divergently to solve problems 
    • Able to work independently and as part of a team 
    • Able to appreciate the uniqueness of growing up as part of Green Dragon community as well as seeing themselves as part of a wider local, national and global community 
    • Socially, emotionally, aesthetically, morally and culturally aware 
    •  Able to celebrate diversity and promote inclusion; understanding that bullying and racism are unacceptable
    • Aware of how to keep themselves safe in the real world and via cyber communications 
    • Able to take the opportunity to act or play musical instruments and perform in front of others 
    • Environmentally aware and understands the need to make responsible choices 
    • Aware of the need for a healthy, balanced diet; know where food comes from and have the opportunity to grow, nurture and cook as part of the school curriculum 
    • Able to take part in enterprise projects and understand finance 
    • Able to develop leadership skills and have their voice listened to as part of the decision-making processes for the school 
    • Aware of the need to keep fit and healthy, develop good sportsmanship skills and have the opportunity to take part in competitive sports 
    • Having talents spotted, supported and being given opportunities to widen their horizons 
    • Able to support others via charity and fundraising events 
    • Working in partnership with pupils, parents, staff , governors and the wider community 
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