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****Year 1 PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays**Thursday 26th September 2.30pm- Year 1 Parents into Class Sessions**Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October is Open Evening**

Year 1: Spring 2 2025 IPC Project - Transport and Journeys

What’s the big picture?

  • In this project, we will be talking about travelling from one place to another. Think about all the different places you travel to, even just in one week!
  • In this project, we will be learning about the different types of journeys we can make, across land, sea and air. In order to do this, we will need to be geographers, historians and engineers. How we travel is constantly changing, so what did the past look like, and what does the future hold for travel and journeys?
  • What will we be learning


    We will be able to:

    • order up to three ‘of the same’ modes of transport on a timeline, to show chronology
    • ask questions about transport from the past
    • use different soures to find out about the past: people, books, photographs
    • compare the same modes of transport from different periods of time

    We will know:

    • about the life of Amelia Earhart


    We will be able to:

    • use directions to guide and describe e.g. left, right, forwards, behind, over, under, through
    • recognise and talk about human features relating to transport and journeys e.g. different vehicles, bus and train stations, roads, railways, airports
    • identify physical and human features of the local area (and London) from aerial images
    • draw a simple map of the local area
    • ude directions to talk about our map

    We will know:

    • the names and locations of the seven continents
    • the locations of the UK and India on a map of the world, and a globe


    We will be able to:

    • recreate a design by a well know artist, Giacamo Balla.
    • create our own printed pictures with a range of materials


    We will be able to:

    • programme a robot
  • Maths

    Some of the areas we will be learning include:

    • Place value to 50
    • Counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s,
    • Length and height
    • Volume and mass
  • English

    We will be enjoying lots of books including The Queen’s Hat and The Naughty Bus.

    Some areas of grammar and punctuation we’ll be learning include:

    • idenitfying different sentence types – statements and questions
    • thinking of and then writing our own questions (with question marks)
    • using ‘in’ and ‘on’ prepositions correctly e.g. I travelled in the car. She rode on  the bus. I went on holiday in August
  • Knowledge organiser

    We use a knowledge organiser for every project in every year group. It is a helpful way for children and families to see the key knowledge that children will learn. This key knowledge helps the children ask more questions and then find out more information.

    It would be helpful to talk with your child about this knowledge organiser. As the project develops, they will be able to share more knowledge. Thank you!

  • Statutory Spellings

  • Year 1 Notes & Dates

    PE Kits:

    School PE uniform is black shorts (or tracksuit bottoms) with a white t-shirt and trainers. All children will come to school wearing PE kit on their PE days. Year 1 PE days are Monday and Thursday.

    Year 1 Home Learning

    • Daily reading 
    • Weekly phonics
    • Half-termly project activities sent out via email or paper copy


    • Friday 7th March – Green Dragon World Book Day
    • Monday 10th February – Entry Point: bring in a mode of transport  that you have made  
    • Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th March: Open Evenings for all children
    • Friday 4th April: break up for the Easter hols
    • Wednesday 23rd April: Class Photo Day

    Can you help?!

    If you have any information (stories, photos, experiences, artefacts etc) from the regions on our knowledge organiser, then please contact your class teacher. Thank you!

    Please keep in touch – we check these emails everyday before we start teaching:  hydra@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk   

  • Phonics



    At Green Dragon Primary School, we believe that all our children can become fluent readers and writers. This is why we teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics (SSP) programme. We start teaching phonics in Reception and follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised progression, which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school.

    As a result, all our children are able to tackle any unfamiliar words as they read. At Green Dragon Primary School we also model the application of the alphabetic code through phonics in shared reading and writing, both inside and outside of the phonics lesson and across the curriculum. We have a strong focus on language development for our children because we know that speaking and listening are crucial skills for reading and writing in all subjects.

    Here is the link to the 'For Parents' section of the Little Wandle website. https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/

    The resources on this page will help you support your child with saying their phonemes (sounds) and writing their graphemes (letters). There are also useful videos so you can see how your child is taught at school, to be able to confidently support their reading at home. 

  • How to Contact The Year 1 Team

    There are two main ways to talk with your child’s teacher.

    You can talk at the start or end of the day – remember that teachers have more time at the end of the day!

    Alternatively, teachers check the year group email every day so you can contact them here: hydra@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

    Teachers will respond between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00pm.

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