Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children can attend Morning Sports and Breakfast Club from 8am every morning in the Key Stage 2 playground.
Year 4, IPC Project Autumn 1 term 2024: Brainwave’ and Land, Sea and Sky
What’s the big picture?
Everyone at Green Dragon starts the year with ‘Brainwave’ – we learn the routines and expectations of our new year group; we remember how to be a confident, resilient and ambitious learner; we learn how to learn and behave; we learn how to be a good friend and a respectful member of our community.
Year 4 will also be learning about plants and animals, and how they can adapt to living almost anywhere on Earth. Our planet has a number of different habitats, each with their unique climate and geology. As geographers, we will investigate the environments of Yorkshire and Chile. We will need to be scientists to examine how different animals and plants can be classified.